Multiplier event 2
- Multiplier dogaÄanje
Drugo dogaÄanje sa multiplicirajuÄim djelovanjem odrÅūalo se u Italiji Tussio od 21.08.-22.08.2023.
Svi do tada zavrÅĄeni projektni rezultati predstavljeni su lokalnim vlastima i predstavnicima drugih regija (Lazio, Puglia, Basilicata, Friuli, Campania), veletrgovcima, cvjeÄarima, proizvoÄaÄima cvijeÄa, organizatorima vjenÄanja te domaÄim i stranim studentima.
UÄenici su sa svojim mentorima uvjeÅūbavali vjeÅĄtine prema interaktivnim sadrÅūajima  – videa (rezultat 2), prema kojima je bilo postavljeno natjecanje uÄenika partnerskih ÅĄkola i ostalih koji su se Åūeljeli pridruÅūiti. Na natjecanje su se odazvale ekipe iz Å vedske, Slovenije, Hrvatske i Italije. Natjecatelji su stvarali cvjetne aranÅūmane i bukete u atriu starog povijesnog samostana u Tussiu. TakoÄer je kandidat iz Italije polagao FlorCert ispit prema modulu 1. stupnja u skladu s tehniÄkom opisu i naÄinom vrednovanja po FlorCertu. Ovo dogaÄanje spojilo je uÄenike, ÅĄkole, mentore, poslodavce, pripadnike cvjeÄarske industrije koja je jaka u Italiji sa ljubiteljima cvijeÄa i ostalom javnoÅĄÄu.
- Multiplier event
The second event with multiplying effect took place in Tussio, Italy from 21.08.-22.08.2023.
All project results completed until then were presented to local authorities and representatives of other regions (Lazio, Puglia, Basilicata, Friuli, Campania), wholesalers, florists, flower producers, wedding organizers and domestic and foreign students.
The students practiced their skills with their mentors according to interactive content – videos (result 2), according to which a competition was set for students from partner schools and others who wanted to join. Teams from Sweden, Slovenia, Croatia and Italy participated in the competition. Competitors created flower arrangements and bouquets in the atrium of the old historic monastery in Tussi. Also, the candidate from Italy took the FlorCert exam according to the 1st degree module in accordance with the technical description and method of evaluation according to FlorCert. This event brought together students, schools, mentors, employers, members of the flower industry, which is strong in Italy, with flower lovers and the rest of the public.