Multiplier event 1
- Multiplier dogaÄanje
Prvo dogaÄanje sa multiplicirajuÄim djelovanjem odrÅūalo se u Sloveniji VolÄji potok od 2.06. – 3.06.2023.
Na dogaÄanju predstavljen je prvi rezultat projekta â Modularno usavrÅĄavanje nastavnika i poslodavca po FlorCertu. Tako su u Åūivo uzvanici mogli vidjeti koja znanja i vjeÅĄtine posjeduju kandidati s poloÅūenim FlorCert 1. i Florcert 2. stupnjem. DogaÄanja na projektu koja su predstavljena stranim i domaÄim uzvanicima predstavljeni su i svi partneri na projektu njihov rad i postignuÄa. U tu svrhu pozvani su predstavnici Florinta (meÄunarodne organizacije cvjeÄara), predstavnici obrtniÄke zbornice Slovenije, ÅĄkole i lokalna zajednica.
Na pozornici sa poznatim nizozemskim cvjeÄarom radili su i naÅĄi mladi cvjeÄari partnerskih ÅĄkola koji se pripremaju za polaganje osnovnog nivoa FlorCert ispita, sve to u svrhu predstavljanja broÅĄure i vodiÄa kako postati majstor florist prema Florcertu (rezultat 1 i rezultat 2). Ujedno su predstavljeni i kandidati za polaganje majstorskog ispita.
- Multiplier event
The first event with a multiplying effect took place in Slovenia, VolÄji potok, on June 2. – 3.06.2023.
At the event, the first result of the project was presented – Modular training of teachers and employers according to FlorCert. Thus, the guests could see live what knowledge and skills the candidates with FlorCert 1st and Florcert 2nd degree possess. Events on the project that were presented to foreign and domestic guests were also presented to all partners on the project, their work and achievements. For this purpose, representatives of Florint (an international organization of florists), representatives of the Chamber of Crafts of Slovenia, schools and the local community were invited.
Our young florists from partner schools who are preparing to pass the basic level of the FlorCert exam also worked on stage with the famous Dutch florist, all for the purpose of presenting a brochure and a guide on how to become a master florist according to Florcert (result 1 and result 2). Candidates for taking the master’s exam were also presented.