Multiplier event 3

Web Genius Lab
June 11, 2019
Landscaping, plant
  1. Multiplier događanje

Vodeći partner Srednja ÅĄkola „Arboretum Opeka“ organizirala je zavrÅĄno događanje Erasmus + projekta KA 2  FlorCert za budućnost – majstor. Predstavljanje projekta odrÅūano je u prostorijama općine Vinica u subotu 13.04.2024. godine. Kroz prezentaciju prikazani su svi rezultati projekta, podijeljen je vodič kroz modularno usavrÅĄavanje nastavnika i poslodavca, a svi nazočni mogli su razgledati radove 1. i 2. stupnja FlorCerta.

Događanju su prisustvovali domaći i strani učenici, profesionalci cvjećari, nastavnici srodnih ÅĄkola i zainteresirani posjetitelji. Cilj projekta je povećati kompetencije kroz sistematizaciju znanja i vjeÅĄtina po nivoima za nastavnike i poslodavce koji rade sa učenicima zanimanja florist, izraditi interaktivne sadrÅūaje za lakÅĄe savladavanje vjeÅĄtina, te izraditi platformu komunikacije svih sudionika.

S obzirom da projekt prati osnovne prioritete Europske unije o zelenim praksama u svim aspektima, u goste smo pozvali estonsku floristicu koja je demonstrirala upotrebu prirodnih i ekoloÅĄki prihvatljivijih materijala u cvjetnom dizajnu. Asistenti su  bile mentorica i kandidatkinja (sa poloÅūenim FlorCert ispitom)  Hrvatske, koje su imale priliku uvjeÅūbavati se za Worldskills 2024. u Francuskoj.

  1. Multiplier event

Leading partner “Arboretum Opeka” Vocational School organized the final event of the Erasmus + project KA 2 FlorCert for the future – master. The presentation of the project was held in the premises of the municipality of Vinica on Saturday, April 13, 2024. years. Through the presentation, all the results of the project were presented, a guide to the modular training of teachers and employers was shared, and everyone present could see the works of the 1st and 2nd level of FlorCert.

The event was attended by local and foreign students, professional florists, teachers of related schools and interested visitors. The goal of the project is to increase competencies through the systematization of knowledge and skills by levels for teachers and employers who work with florist students, to create interactive content for easier mastering of skills, and to create a communication platform for all participants.

Given that the project follows the basic priorities of the European Union on green practices in all aspects, we invited an Estonian florist as a guest who demonstrated the use of natural and more environmentally friendly materials in floral design. The assistants were a mentor and a candidate (with a passed FlorCert exam) from Croatia, who had the opportunity to train for Worldskills 2024 in France.
