Projektna aktivnost LTT2 – Sinergija cvjetnog dizajna i povijesne umjetniÄke arhitekture odvijala se u Francavilla Italiji od 21.- 27.08.2022.
Prisutni partneri iz Å vedske, Slovenije i Hrvatske.
LTT je posveÄen eksperimentiranju s novim metodama pouÄavanja. Talijanski partner angaÅūirao je psihologa koji je za sudionike pripremio radionicu kako shvatiti arhitektonski povijesni prostor kroz 5 osjetila. Svi sudionici su imali priliku doÅūivjeti percepciju okolnog prostora i emocije koje stvara kroz usko povezivanje sa osjeÄajima, te kako promatrani prostor utjeÄe da se dogaÄaji promatraju na sasvim drugaÄiji naÄin. Äovjek ima pet osjetila (vid, sluh, okus, miris i dodir), a kod stvaranja cvjetnih radova potrebna su sva podjednako, pa je vaÅūno znati kako ih aktivirati i upotrijebiti. Ovakav pristup stimulira individualnu kreativnost, koja Äe se odraÅūavati u dobrom odabiru materijala i cvijeÄa, povezujuÄi ih sa okolnim prostorom u kojem se mora stvarati. Ovakav pristup izradi cvjetnih radova vrlo je bitan i koristan u svakodnevnom poslu jednog profesionalnog cvjeÄara. CvjeÄar se svaki puta pokuÅĄava identificirati sa kupcem, kako bi njegove emocije mogao prenijeti u cvjetni rad. Krajnji rezultat su zadovoljni kupci i profesionalniji pristup radu.
Drugi dio LTT -a bi je namijenjen polaganju Journyman certifikata kojeg su poloÅūile Sabina Å egula iz Slovenije, Silvia Romagnoli i Daniela de Rubies iz Italije, te Blanka Pazman iz Hrvatske. Njihov mentor je bio Mikael SÃķrensson iz Å vedske,a radove i izlaganje je ocijenila troÄlana meÄunarodna komisija iz Å vedske.
Video o pripremi i polaganju Journyman certifikata – Â
Project activity LTT2 – Synergy of floral design and historical artistic architecture took place in Francavilla Italy from 21-27 August 2022.
Present partners from Sweden, Slovenia and Croatia
LTT is dedicated to experimenting with new teaching methods. The Italian partner hired a psychologist who prepared a workshop for the participants on how to understand the architectural and historical space through the 5 senses. All participants had the opportunity to experience the perception of the surrounding space and the emotions it creates through a close connection with feelings, and how the observed space affects the way events are observed in a completely different way. A person has five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch), and when creating floral works, they are all needed equally, so it is important to know how to activate and use them. This approach stimulates individual creativity, which will be reflected in a good selection of materials and flowers, connecting them with the surrounding space in which one must create. This approach to creating floral works is very important and useful in the daily work of a professional florist. The florist tries to identify himself with the customer every time, so that he can transfer his emotions to the flower work. The end result is satisfied customers and a more professional approach to work.
The second part of the LTT is intended for taking the Journyman certificate, which was passed by Sabina Å egula from Slovenia, Silvia Romagnoli and Daniela de Rubies from Italy, and Blanka Pazman from Croatia. Their mentor was Mikael SÃķrensson from Sweden, and the works and presentation were evaluated by a three-member international commission from Sweden.
Video on preparing and passing the Journyman certificate –